Contact Santa Claus

Santa Claus Letters

Contact Santa Claus
A Web of Christmas
First Christmas in the Philippines
Holidays Stories and Traditions
Evolution of Modern Day Santa
Santa Discovers America
Santa's other names
Santa Claus Q's and A's
Christmas where did it come from? Where is it going?

Personalized Letter From Santa Please print clearly so Santa won't make any mistakes! Feel free to make photocopies for multiple orders or share with family and friends! Thank You! $ 1.00 of every letter sold donated to Santa Claus Club!

Deadline: December 10, 2003

Childs Name [or nickname] _________________________________________________

Birthdate:___________Age:_____Who Does Child Live With?_____________________



Brother(s)/Sister(s) Name(s):_______________________________________________

Up to three friends names:_________________________________________________


Name of gift(s) child is asking Santa to bring them(that they WILL be receiving):


Something child WILL find in Christmas stocking:_______________________________

Special awards or achievements child has received this year:_____________________


Chores child regularly performs:_____________________________________________

Favorite toy, activity, or TV show:__________________________________________

Person ordering letter:

Your Full Name:__________________________________________________________

Relationship to Child:______________________________________________________

Mailing Address:__________________________________________________________

E-Mail Address:___________________________________________________________

Phone Number (including area code):_________________________________________


Please Print and Filled Up the order form with your $ 9.95 per letter. Check or Money Order payable to:

 Samuel Azurel 16161 Ventura Blvd # 612 Encino, CA 91436 USA


Santa Claus Web Design. All rights reserved. Copyright 2003