From the book "The Secret of the Magical Mountain Korvatunturi", written by Annikki Marjala and Heli Karjalainen, copyright Polarlahdet Oy
Photos by Kari Palsila
Whenever children - or adults, for that matter - have a chance to meet Santa Claus, their heads are packed with hundreds of questions that they have always wanted to ask. But the excitement of the actual moment usually shakes them up, leaving them with only one question: "What was it I wanted to ask'?" And so the hundred questions go unanswered.
Mrs. Claus understands that situation all too well. She also knows how frustrating it can be if you really want to know something and there is no one around who can give you an answer. So, one bright evening as the fire was crackling in the fireplace and the Northern Lights were flashing in the sky, she sat in her squeaky rocking chair and began to recall everything that children around the world have wanted to know about Santa Claus, and a few things about herself as well.
1. |
That is something not even Santa Claus can remember exactly. Once when he was sitting in his favourite rocking chair in front of the fireplace at his home in Korvatunturi, he began to count how many Christmases he could remember. But when he got some place around 364, he fell asleep. |
2. |
How many elves are there at Korvatunturi? |
That is something no one knows exactly. Elves are such fast little beings, and they are rarely ever all in the same place at the same time. But when the sun sets in Korvatunturi, they. are probably as many little elf toes under the blankets as there are stars in the sky, if not more. |
3. |
Does Santa Claus have a family? |
Of course! All the people in the whole world are his family. Adults and children are equally precious to him. |
4. |
Are elves Santa Claus children? |
Santa Claus believes that everyone should be everyone else´s child , and that being a child is the most important thing in the world. |
5. |
Are new elves still being born? |
New Christmas elves and other kinds of elves are born frequently. When the last rays of the evening sun meet with the Northern Lights, the wind is from the North and the stars are shining, that is when elves are born. |
6. |
Is it possible to become an elf? |
Of course. And it is possible to stay an elf. Taking care of smaller and weaker ones is elf work. Making someone happy who doesn't have anything to be happy about, or giving toys or clothes to children that need them - that is the best way to be an elf. |
7. |
Does Santa Claus have lots of reindeer? |
Yes. He doesn't have quite as many as there are stars in the sky or snowflakes in a winter snowcloud, but he does have more reindeer than all the mountain creeks in the fall put together. Reindeer herders are his good friends, and the reindeer are taken care of cooperatively.
8. |
How does Santa Claus travel? |
He gets around a lot of ways. Of course, he has a sleigh drawn by team of reindeer, but he also has a team of dogs, a car, an airplane, a snowmobile, and a helicopter. Santa Claus uses whatever means of transportation is best suited to the weather conditions and the purpose of his travelling. |
9. |
Does Santa Claus hunt and fish? |
Santa Claus never hunts. Sometimes he goes ice-fishing, but he never catches anything. |
10. |
What is Santa Claus favourite food? |
It has to be the rice porridge I make. It has a special, secret recipe that I can´t tell you. The secret ingredient is the "Where-did-I-put-it" spice. |
11. |
Is that Santa Claus own beard? |
Yes indeed. It is his very own. It would he too expensive to rent one all the time. His curly-toed hoots are his own, too. And so is his red shirt and vest and linen shirts and colourful woolen sweaters. Everything Santa Claus wears is his own. Once the elves tried to borrow his shirt, but it took four elves just to get the shirt moving. |
12. |
Are all the gifts made at Korvatunturi? |
Not all of them. Some are made at home, and they are especially precious. You have surely heard of homemade jelly or mustard or handknit wool socks. In some places there are little workshops that also help Santa Claus by making gifts. |
13. |
Do you always eat rice porridge at Korvatunturi? |
Not always. In the morning, of course, we have breakfast porridge and at lunchtime we have lunch porridge and dessert porridge and in the evening we have evening porridge. But we don't always have it. For instance, at night we don't eat porridge, except for the night-owl elf and the reindeer herder elf. For them there has to be a kettle on the stove all night in case they get hungry. They only eat a cupful at a time, and they put touch of butter on top of it. |
14. |
How many animals are there at Korvatunturi? |
There are more animals at Korvatunturi than there are cloudberry leaves in the nearest marsh. It depends, of course, what animals you count and at what time of the year. If you count mosquitoes in the summer then there are really, really lots of animals. |
15. |
Can people go to Korvatunturi? |
Of course you can get there, if you know how. But it's a difficult route and a long journey. And it's difficult to give directions. Everyone gives different directions. But you have to turn left after the little spruce tree, or if you 're coming from the West along the narrow path, then you should turn right, that is, if you have passed Spruce Pond already. The easiest way to get there is to ask the people from the Land of Korvatunturi to take you there. Then you won't get lost. |
16. |
Is it possible to visit Korvatunturi? |
Santa Claus, I and the elves need peace and quiet. We would never get the presents made if there was always company coming. And besides, all the Christmas secrets would be exposed. |
17. |
How does Santa Claus have time to deliver all the presents? |
Santa Claus takes advantage of the differences between time zones. When children in Finland are awake, the children in Japan are sleeping and vice-versa. There is also some magic involved. Sometimes Santa Claus may leave the presents for elves to deliver. The most important thing is that the gifts get there on time. |
18. |
Has Santa Claus ever gotten stuck in a chimney? |
If that happened, his gift delivery route would get cut short. Santa Claus has a big book entitled, "Chimneys of the World", and in that book you can information on the construction of all the world's chimneys. It is important to know how to get into them, and that is Santa Claus specialty. |
19. |
Does Santa Claus understand animal language? |
Yes, he does. |
20. |
Does Santa Claus have to be good? |
Santa Claus is always good. Sometimes he has to be strict, but he is always fair. |
21. |
Is it possible to get presents, even if you haven't been good? |
Santa Claus is certain that all children are good down deep. If a child is hungry or tired, it is only natural that crabbiness can sneak in unaware. Voicing disappointment or bad feelings has nothing to do with being good. |
22. |
Is Santa Claus ever in a bad mood? |
Sometimes Santa Claus is a little angry, sad and upset. Sometimes he is really upset if he hears about places in the world where they don't care for the well-being of children. |
23. |
What does Santa Claus do when he's not delivering presents? |
Santa Claus relaxes by walking in the forest and listening to the voices of the wilderness. He also spends time preparing the next Christmas delivery by reading children´s letters. His favourite pastime is reading books. |
24. |
What does Santa Claus think about the way people celebrate Christmas in different cultures? |
Every culture has its own customs that should be respected, and Santa Claus does just that.
25. |
Does Santa Claus know every Christmas carol? |
Oh, yes. Often when he walks outdoors you can hear him singing them. Every now and then he composes new ones, too. |
26. |
Does Santa Claus have swimming trunks? |
Indeed he does, and he uses them regularly. Santa Claus swims in the summer, and in the winter he likes to jump in the lake through a whole in the ice, it has to be chopped plenty big enough. |
27. |
Does Santa Claus get any presents himself? |
Oh, yes. He gets them often. The best gifts, in Santa Claus opinion, are the happy smiles of children and the joyful looks in their eyes. |
28. |
How can Santa Claus hear everything clear up in Korvatunturi? |
Elves help him listen, and on a quiet summer night even a whisper carries all the way to Korvatunturi easily. |
29. |
Does Santa Claus read all the letters he gets? |
The elves help him read the letters and make inventories, and that is a complicated system in itself Santa Claus gets a lot of Christmas cards, too. |
30. |
Can Santa Claus read children's thoughts? |
Maybe not every thought, but at least the thoughts that children want him to read definitely come through. There is a special level of understanding between children and Santa Claus. |

Left: Santa Claus on summer holiday Above: Santa Claus ice fishing |
31. |
How does Santa Claus know how to get to everyone's house? |
This is how it works: the elf secretaries keep exact records of all children by country, by state or province, by city or town, by village or quarter, by house or apartment building, by bedroom or by bed. These records are used to plan the delivery route and the gift distribution. It's very exacting work, and 284 elves work in that department year round. |
32. |
Where does Santa Claus get all the money it takes to fly to Japan? |
Shhh! We don't use that word here. Santa Claus is extremely lucky, because in his world money doesn't exist. The important thing is that Santa Claus catches the plane, and that it's the plane going to Japan when that's where he intends to go. He usually takes a long nap on the flight. |
33. |
What languages does Santa Claus speak? |
Lots of languages. Especially on Chirstmas Eve. |
34. |
Definitely. As I said before, reading is his favourite pastime. At the moment he has eleven books underway at the same time. |
35. |
Did Santa Claus go to school? |
Life has been one long schooling for Santa Claus. One has to keep studying because the world changes constantly. He has gone to a lot of schools. Once Santa Claus even visited an elementary school. |
36. |
Was Santa Claus ever a child? |
Santa Claus still feels like a child to this day. |
37. |
What was it like when be was a child? |
Really nice, according to Santa Claus. Nothing could be nicer. |
38. |
It depends on whether he is walking deep in thought, or if he is examining little berry branches on the floor of the forest, or if he is looking at the horizon. Santa Claus is taller than the tallest elf but shorter than the old spruce trees in Lapland. |
39. |
How long is Santa Claus beard? |
It was measured once and it was one and a ha if times the length of a young elf. |
40. |
What are his favourite kind of shoes? |
He likes his tall, curly-toed Laplander boots, because they fit the old-fashioned bindings on his skis. |
41. |
What kind of elves does Santa Claus have? |
He has reindeer herder elves. They respect reindeer as wild animals that have learned to live in cooperation with humans and elves. He has map-making elves and pathfinder elves. He has a wood elf who is so old and wise, he knows how to make the best out of each piece of wood, because he understands the spirit of the wood, and he looks like a knotty old pine himself. There are also professor elves who study different important things. |
42. |
Do all the elves have names? |
Oh, yes, almost always. They have names like: The Threshing Barn Elf of the Mäki Farm, The Sauna Elf of the Lahti House, and so on. Some of them have nicknames that refer to their profession, like "Inksplotch ", the Map-maker Elf, or "Compass", the Surveyor Elf. The nicknames may relate to a personal trait, such as "Old Wiseman ", "Sleepy", "Speedy", "Wiseguy", "Long Beard", "White Beard", and "Black Whiskers ". |
43. |
What other hobbies does Santa Claus have? |
Taking saunas, especially smoke-saunas, is something Santa Claus really likes. Also taking naps is an extremely important pastime for Santa Claus. |
44. |
Do all the reindeer have names? |
Yes. At least at one period of their lives. |
45. |
Does Santa Claus live in Korvatunturi? |
Korvatunturi is Santa Claus permanent residence and the place he loves the most, but all year long he stops in and stays at different places around the world. Many of Santa Claus favourite places to visit are a secret known only to him and me. But he has grown fond of several places built and inhabited by humans. He only stays in places that make him feel content. |
46. |
Where are these places Santa Claus visits? |
Santa Claus has visited in more places than there are Northern Lights in the sky. He has told me the names of some of them in descriptions of his travels, and I've accompanied him to some of the places. |
47. |
How did you meet Santa Claus? |
We have always been together. Neither one of us can remember the time before we met. Our friendship started before the first arctic mountains were formed in the vast wildernesses of Lapland. And our friendship is warmer than the most blazing Split-log fire in the dark winter night. |
48. |
What do Santa Claus and his elves do during their free time in Korvatunturi? |
All kinds of leisure-time activities. They play lots of different games. One of their most favourite things to do is to sit by the fireplace and talk about all the things in the world. They remember past trips and events and tell about interesting people and places that they have visited through the years. |
49. |
When the elves are in the presence of humans, can they be seen? |
Elves are good at sneaking around, and so it ´s usually hard to detect them. But, children are often able to see a branch move, or notice something looking in the window or peeking from behind the curtains. Then they know that it´s their own personal elf tiptoeing around. Sometimes elves move something to a different place, or leave some other sign to show that they have been around. They also have been known to pick up mail addressed to Santa Claus. |
50. |
How many names does Santa Claus have? |
I think every country has a different name for him. Here in Finland he is called Joulupukki, and in America, Santa Claus. If remember correctly, in Germany they call him Weihnachtsmann, and in Holland nearby, Kerstman. He has all these names, and many more, because he is so well-loved. |
51. |
Do Christmas elves also go by different names? |
Yes, indeed. In Finnish we call them Tonttu, in Swedish and Norwegian, Tomte or Nisse, in German, Heinzelmännchen, in Dutch, Kabouter, and in English some call them gnomes as well. |